Subject: MAC: Judge This! Sound Author: Hollywood Online/Cinergi Pictures Entertainment Inc. Uploaded By: Hollywoodi Date: 6/9/1995 File: Judge This! Sound (38328 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 337 Equipment: Macintosh Needs: System 7 A really nasty criminal yells "Judge This!" at Judge Dredd (Sylvester Stallone). In the year 2139, the world is violent and chaotic. Only the Judges, guardians of the law, protect what's left of society. Sylvester Stallone stars as Judge Dredd, the most feared Judge of all! 8 bit, 11 MHz sound file. For more info. on "Judge Dredd" check out DC Comics at keyword: DC. Ideas, comments, feedback and suggestions, please drop a note in the Hollywood Online Movie Center suggestion box. From Hollywood Online and Cinergi Pictures Entertainment Inc. (c) 1995 Cinergi Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Cinergi Productions N.V. Inc. Hollywood Online 1995